Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 4, delicia funghi
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
15 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 4, delicia funghi
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
15 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 4, delicia funghi
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
15 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 3, Color
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
15 x 12 x 8 cme

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 6, receta diaria
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
34 x 26 x 7 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 7, Remedio María
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
34 x 26 x 7 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 2, Música medicina 
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
34 x 26 x 7 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 8, Letras que salvan
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
34 x 26 x 7 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 9, Alice
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
34 cm x 26 cm x 7 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 10, Remedio jarocho
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
31 cm x 22 cm x 7cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 5, Amores Vertiginosos
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
31 cm x 22 cm x 7cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Botiquín 1, Elmarlocuratodo 
Oil on canvas (inside a medical kit)
31 x 22 x 7 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Vértigo 1
Oil on canvas
33 x 33 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Vértigo 1 (detalle)
Oil on canvas
33 x 33 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Vértigo 2
Oil on canvas
33 cm x 33 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Vértigo 2 (detalle)
Oil on canvas
33 cm x 33 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Vértigo 3
Oil on canvas
33 cm x 33 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Crisis (Tríptico)
Oil on canvas
Tríptico 88 x 33 cm c/u

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Crisis (Tríptico)
Oil on canvas
Tríptico 88 x 33 cm c/u

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Crisis (Tríptico)
Oil on canvas
Tríptico 88 x 33 cm c/u

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Remedio Superior
Watercolour on paper

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

El tiempo y los 60
Natural pigments on canvas
153 cm x 117 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

El tiempo huyendo de los 60
Natural pigments on canvas
171 cm x 109 cm

Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter

Anacronismo sesentero
Natural pigments on canvas
163 cm x 109 cm

Existential Vertigo


What do you hold on to when you are in crisis? What are your medicines? What are your vertigoes?

Existential Vertigo is the term I used to refer to one of my existential crises. Nonetheless, it has now evolved as an independent entity, to whom I write phrases about my existence, and analyse my spirituality and sense of self.

During this creative process I entered into a natural ecstasy -pure dopamine- which reinforced the idea that creative processes and the use of colour are very powerful medicines.

This exhibition displays my medicines and my vertigoes. The pills are mere colour composition. I had never seen how beautiful they looked when so many of them were together: their tones, consistency, transparencies, sizes, forms – just like candy sweets. On the other hand, this beauty disguises the dependency and the emotional crutch they play in our lives; we trust blindly in the allopathy endorsed by science and we take pills without question, slipping away into the vertigo of existing and its implications. 

Holding a bunch of pills provokes a vertiginous sensation: sometimes they are real treatments, other times a simple placebo, with secondary effects we barely know about. Our whole life depends on having them in the mouth or the hand. 

The process of asking for the medicinal donations to this exhibition meant penetrating into the intimacy of the people who donated them. What do they consider medicine? Why do they take them? What vertigoes are they trying to amend or cover up? Do we understand sickness as unworked emotions or temporary symptomatologies? 



Existential Vertigo. Maria Portilla Painter
Maria Portilla. All rights reserved.